Friday, July 3, 2009

Politics IV

Site-specific installation by Dan Flavin, 1996...Image via Wikipedia

Many things had happened since I wrote about the PAS-UMNO unity talk. Nik Aziz vehemently opposed the talk, and stated that it was the doing of a person vis-a-vis Hj Hadi Awang. He even challenged that Nasharudin Mat Isa to quit PAS and join UMNO for supporting and talking about the unity talk.

I am not one to support or oppose the ideas of the talks but what I observed is the behaviours of the the usual suspects in the event.

Pakatan Rakyat leaders held a news conference to deny the unity talks and to condemn UMNO about the whole thing and saying that its an UMNO conspiracy. I am not sure how the conspiracy worked but I saw Hadi Awang in the news talking about it.

Now, Nik Aziz, spoke to the camera telling Nasharudin Mat Isa to quit, I saw him talking. But what do you know, the very next day Nik Aziz denied he ever said that and he did not mean that. So what did he mean?

Generally I don't trust politicians but these are the leaders we voted to lead us. So who do we put our lives to, to decide what's politically important and for the future?

I just want that one day when the politicians say what they mean to say and not deny it. That will be the day!
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