Friday, September 4, 2009

Ramadhan II

Image via Wikipedia
One thing that I observed  frequently occuring during the fasting month is the rampant advertising by hotels and restaurants of the breaking of fast meals, iftar, that's on offer at the outlets. It is as though that the fasting ends with the iftar and Muslims are expected to indulge in a feast of eating.

Muslims waiting for sunset during Ramadan in C...
Somehow the meaning of fasting is actually lost by these advertisements. The hotels and restaurants can't be blamed for their basic mind set of making money at any time. As a Muslim I believe that it is us who need to be aware of not being caught in the indugence of eating and defeat the purpose of fasting.

At home, people tend to frequent the numerous 'bazar ramadhan' that are selling many types of food and cakes and kuih. People some how had lost their self-control and start to buy food that they thought they would be able to consume and only to find out that their stomach can accommodate only so much. And much of the unconsumed food will then be left rotting and get thrown away.


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