Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who is Pak Pandir?

Those of you who are not Malaysians, hopefully I am correct to assume so, most probably are wondering who is Pak Pandir.
Well in the Malaysian folklore he is the village fool, similarly the Indians (from the sub-continent not from Brickfields eh) have their 'Sardar' as the butt of all their jokes.

Pak Pandir in the Malay folklores is a stupid man (don't know how to be politically correct here) or you can say dumb. Easily fooled and straight as an arrow. I would rather say that he is a trusting and a straight man rather than just being merely dumb.

Why do I use "Pak Pandir"? I just think that I want to talk straight, and sometimes its hard to be talking straight when people are easily hurt by the remarks.

So being Pak Pandir, I'll try to talk straight but at the same time if people are hurt, my excuse is just that I am stupid :D

1 comment:

sd said...

Talk straight my friend, as much as you like, as it is your birthright, but may I suggest you temper it with grace and understanding and maybe even a little humour sometimes just in order to safeguard the sensitive human condition that we all suffer from..... but your straight talk may be also be a balm to some souls and a blessed ventilation of things unspoken......

from sd
a fellow writer with no time to write......